Creative protective and ‘fashionable’ protective gear against coronavirus available on TAOBAO

4 years ago 668

3rd March 2020 – (Hong Kong) The coronavirus outbreak has resulted in a global shortage of masks worldwide. Not only there is shortage for frontline medical staff who need them, many civilians worldwide also ordering them from different parts of the world to ship to their families overseas.

Despite Centre for Disease Control in United States which said that healthy people shouldn’t wear masks because they won’t protect them from the novel coronavirus, many civilians continue to wear them on daily basis in cities like Hong Kong. “This is a psychological thing,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, told CNN. “The coronavirus is coming, and we feel rather helpless. By getting masks and wearing them, we move the locus of control somewhat to ourselves.” In fact, warns US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, face masks might actually increase your risk of infection if they aren’t worn properly.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best precautions for the public are the standard, everyday ways to avoid all germs: wash your hands frequently, try not to touch your face, and avoid close contact with sick people.

However, if you still insist on wearing masks for peace of mind and you don’t want to keep searching for the surgical masks, you could perhaps try ordering from TAOBAO sellers who have resorted to putting up on sale some creative and ‘fashionable’ protective gear.

The post Creative protective and ‘fashionable’ protective gear against coronavirus available on TAOBAO appeared first on Dimsum Daily.

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